Monday, April 09, 2012

Easter at the Stewarts

We had Easter at the Stewarts on Easter night! It was fun to visit and play! Mimi, Aunt Hazel and Aunt Gwen ate with us. It was fun to visit with family that we don't get to see very often. Ivy and Trent were...well Ivy and Trent! They are simply hilarious. God has allowed them to be the closest friends. I don't think they would be as close as they are if they were brother and sister. It is really amazing. God has given them both a love for each other and it really is precious. They look out for each other, they do fight, they play like they are getting married at least 10 times a day, they call each other every day, they can finish each others sentences, they talk at the same time, they know each other better than anyone.

Aunt Gwen has a special relationship with Hayley and I am so thankful for it! Gwen's late husband was Hayley's biological uncle. YES!!! Now how COOL is that! Gwen held Hayley and played with her and told me that Hayley has her Uncle Brown's Flintstone feet! I love it! I can't wait to tell Hayely! I'm sure those feet will require lots of wide shoes but I still love it!

Hayley loves to try to "get" Emma! She crawls over to her and tries to attack her! She sees Emma and heads for her every time! Nana got all the grand-kids bunny ears. Brent like the bunny ears best of all!

In the picture of Hayley and I, you can see our tired eyes. We were both ready for bed. I was so tired but so full of thankfulness. God really blessed our Holy Week Celebration and our Easter Sunday. There really is nothing like a Spiritual tiredness. Sleep last night was a blessing and I feel refreshed today. I as still so thankful for what Jesus did for me!

It's Monday now...time to continue learning more about our Savior!

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