Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"Mommy, let's do school!!!!"

We make patterns with teddy bear counters.
 Hayley asks me every day to do school with her. Here are a few pictures of the things we have been doing lately.

We really like our teddy bear counters. We use them to count, make patterns and yes do math!

"Mommy, I have two fish!"

I put a number in the bottom of a cupcake liner. Hayley had to count out the correct number of fish and put them in the liner

This was Hayley's apple that she made to go with the "fruit" from our Adam and Eve story. She pretended that the pipe cleaner was the snake. She went around the house acting out the bible story.

Painting a rainbow to go with Noah's Ark.

Gluing beans to our letter B

That's just a few pictures of preschool with Hayley!! I'll have to add more later! When I'm not doing "school" with Hayley, Ivy is pretending to be the teacher. It's a blessing to me to get to watch them play! I pray that Hayley always wants to learn!

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