Saturday, July 21, 2012

An afternoon at the Wilson Farm

Hayley loved this car! She cried every time she had to get out of it.
We had a great time going to Devin's parents farm. It was fun just to spend time together as a family in the car. Hayley was such a trooper. She laughed and played in the car, took a nap on the porch swing, took a walk with the women-folk and played on the porch. Ivy enjoyed taking a walk to the waterfall with Daddy, Devin and some new friends. I enjoyed talking with Devin's mom and Ellen's mom and really enjoyed sitting on the porch swing visiting with Ellen and looking out at the mountains. Devin's parents live in one of the prettiest places I have ever been in my entire life. 

Look at the view....try to see past Brent and Devin!!!

Hayley thought we were just going to swing....and we did...until.....
She fell asleep!
Daddy and Ivy at the waterfall

I love this lady...and I love the Cactus sticking out of the top of our head!!

I can't wait for little girl Wilson to join us!!!!

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