Tuesday, November 29, 2011

We started home school back in August. Today we had our 70th day of homeschool! Since I just started this blog, I wanted to add some important pictures. In the previous post, I added pictures of Ivy's first day in Kindergarten. She was heading downstairs to our school room in the basement! I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to teach Ivy. We have loved it so far. I never thought I would home school as I attended public school and taught public school for four years but it is working for us right now. Brent and I both feel that this is what we need to do for Ivy now. We will pray and see where God leads each year! Tomorrow we are going to go to the Grove Park Inn in Asheville to see the Gingerbread houses. That is if it doesn't snow us out! It's pouring snow here! Hope you read this Jana! It's snowing!

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